We use a standard form of error codes to indicate what happened when an error occurs. The most common error codes are outlined below.
400: This means our server didn't understand what you were trying to do. To fix this, try refreshing the page and retry submitting the information you were trying to submit.
401: This means you aren't logged in. The website will log you out automatically after a while, so if you get this error message, just refresh the page and log in again.
403: This means you are unauthorized to perform the action. This is normally because you are not in a specific position in the society, for example, only an incoming treasurer may submit the treasurer training. You can see which 'role' you're logged in as in the top right corner of the screen. If you have more than one role, select the correct role in this dropdown list.
404: The page could not be found. If you continuously get this error, please let us know!
419: Your session has expired. This can usually be fixed by logging out and restarting your browser, or by clearing your browser cookies (https://www.avg.com/en/signal/delete-browser-cookies).
422: This error message will be given when you haven't filled in all required fields in a form. Check over the page to make sure you haven't missed any information, or refresh the page. Please also make sure you're using an up to date browser, and try using Chrome. Let us know if this keeps happening!
429: You're sending too many requests to the server. Just wait a minute then try again.
500: Something went wrong on our end. To solve this, you can try refreshing the page and trying again, but it is likely you'll have to submit a ticket. Please try and include as much information as possible, such as the exact time of the error, what you were trying to do, which role you were logged in as and any other information that may be relevant.
503: This message is returned when the site is down for maintenance. Just wait a few minutes and try again.